Thank you for your request to visit The Networkers

What happens now?

We will give you a call over the next few days to follow up.
We will introduce ourselves, get to know you and your business, answer any questions you may have (which may also be answered in our FAQ’s), and make sure that you’re ready to attend your first

Sometimes we already have someone in your industry as a member in your preferred group, so we will make sure that you’re going to visit the group that will work best for you and your business. 
We offer 2 weeks free for you to come along and see if this group is for you, so please come and join us to connect with others, create synergies, and grow your business.

If you have any questions, or if your request for a group is urgent, please email OR call our head office on 021 181 2139 .
We look forward to meeting you

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Contact us

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch shortly.